Monday, January 10, 2011

Review for Exam


Kepler- Improved the Dutch telescope. He studied alongside Galileo

Copernicus- Disagreed with Aristotle's view of geocentricism.

What three states/empires bordered the area between France and Russia? Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Poland.

The Polish government was a republic, but they elected a monarch. The monarch had limited authority and worked as the figurehead for the Polish nobility.
What is one problem with this type of government? It left a power vacuum. The power is spread out across all of the country instead of having it centralized. This left Poland vulnerable for attack.

Suleiman the Magnificent- The leader of the Ottoman Empire. He led them through most of the 16th century.

In the 17th century, the Turks will rise up and attack Vienna.

Hapsburg- Seated in Spain and controlled Austria. Everyone in this empire was Catholic.

Charles VI- Reined in the first half of the 18th century.

Pragmatic Sanction- said that the halves of the Hapsburg Empire were inseparable. The sanction was made so that Charles' daughter would get the throne.

Prussia- Border of Germany into Russia.

Russian rulers
  • Ivan the Terrible's reign isolated Russia from the rest of Europe.
  • The Time of Troubles- Russia has no real ruler
  • Michael Romanov- Began the Romanov dynasty that went all the way to the Russian Revolution 
    • Peter the Great ruled from 1789 to 1825 and built the city of St. Petersburg
  • Prince Henry the Navigator from Portugal
  • Bartholomew Diaz from Portugal 
  • Vasco de Gama was the first to traverse the Cape of Good Hope and  found Brazil
  • Treaty of Todesillas- 1493, split South America in two, and the Portuguese received Brazil. 
  • Columbus
  • de Balboa sailed the Isthmus of Panama
  • Hernando Cortez fought the Aztecs in Mexico
  • Pizarro found the Incas in Peru, he took smallpox with him and wiped the Incas out
  • Magellan 
  • Ponce de Leon was looking for the Fountain of Youth

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