- 1848- The French revolted against Louis Philippe
- The 19th century is the dawn of newspapers. News traveled faster than it ever had before.
- The news of the revolt spread across Europe quickly
- In Germany, the King is afraid of riots in the street that he read about in the news.
- Germany revolted against the King
- A meeting- the Frankfurt Assembly- was called to make Germany an independent autonomous state
- The decision is made whether or not Germany should become a formal state
- There are two large Germanic States- Prussia and Austria
- These two states have enormous power
- The Hapsburg are the controlling family in Austria
- The Junkers were Prussian nationalists
- They believed that Prussia was better off without the rest of Germany
- The argument against them was that they did not understand that Germany had to be a powerful state in order to compete with countries such as France
- The Prussians decide to have their own assembly-- The Berlin Assembly
- This assembly of Prussians turn out to be anti-Junker
- They believe that they could work under German unification
- Poland was coveted because it had ports
- Germany wound up in a holding pattern for a generation in which the politics of the country are confused
- The Napoleonic Wars left Italy reeling
- Northern Italy became controlled by Austria
- Austria had a secret government that it used to spy on Italy
- There were underground movements that were working towards expelling Austria and Russia from Italy
- A group is founded that is called Young Italy
- Manzinni's reign only lasted for a few months
- The Pope gathered French forces
- The Pope does not care about Italy, he cares about maintaining a French base
- He clears out Manzini and ends the attempted revolution
- Austria
- With the newspapers and the media, the news of the revolution leaks out to Austria
- There are Austrians that are anti-Hapsburg
- Louis Kossauh
- He called Austrians to rise up for their own liberty, and people are against this
- 1848- Austria split into the Hungarian Diet
- Austrians are ethnic Germans
- There is another assembly in the city of Prague
- The Slavs are anti-German
In Bohemia: The Czech Republic, Serbia, Bosnia. In Prague, there are a few ethnic Germans and more ethnic Slavic. When Austria makes decisions, though, they favor the Germans.
- The Slavs revolt in 1848
- King Ferdinand sent in troops and shut down Congress
- This is the root cause of World War I
- In Hungary there is a party called the Magyars
- They create a new capital: Budapest
- A party stands , the Jellachich against the Magyars, and they gain the favor of King Ferdinand
- The Magyars think that if they keep the Croats at bay, there is no way that the King would try and kill the Magyars.
- Austria sent 100,000 Russian troops into Germany
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