Friday, April 15, 2011


       World War I, as it came to be known, was fraught with peril and the deaths of many soldiers. The events that led up to the beginning of the war are great and include many different countries from all over Europe. Europe, at the time, was getting larger in the sense of military, naval, and industrial power. Every country was becoming a great power, and if the imminent war was to break out, it would surely be a great war. Prior to the actual start of the war, countries formed alliances with one another, preparing to fight against one another as soon as one country in one alliance wronged another country. Countries allied for religious reasons and because they had a hatred for another country. Each country in Europe thought itself to be the best country, and this sense of patriotism also contributed to the events that started the War. World War I was started because countries such as Germany and Austria-Hungary found themselves aligned with and standing against other allied powers such as Serbia and Russia for reasons relating to patriotism and religion; and because each country had a superiority complex that made them think that they were the greatest European power, they went to war. 
       The alliances that began to form in the late 19th century eventually sparked the first world war. The alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary is outlined in Document 1 by stating in the documents second article, "Should one of the High Contracting Parties be attacked by another Power, the other High Contracting Party binds itself hereby, not only not to support the aggressor against its high Ally, but to observe at least a benevolent neutral attitude towards its fellow Contracting Party" (Doc 1). This treaty binds Germany and Austria-Hungary to one another in the event of a war. Europe was preparing for a war even before any country showed any sign of acting out against another country. Germany was preparing itself by forming an alliance with the great power, Austria-Hungary. Germany was preparing to fight against Russia, as evidenced by the first article of the document. This is evidenced more clearly in the second document, the formation of the Triple Alliance. It states that, " In case Italy, without direct provocation on her part, should be attacked by France for any reason whatsoever, the two other Contracting Parties shall be bound to lend help and assistance" (Doc 2). The Triple Alliance was preparing itself to fight against two powers: those of Russia and now France. Even though wars were not being declared when the alliances were made, they were in the backs of peoples' minds, and that will eventually lead to the Great War. 
       In the late 19th century and early 20th century, Germany was emulating the rest of Europe with great success. As the rest of Europe gained military, naval, and industrial power, Germany was rising in the ranks very quickly and steadily.  The reason for Germany's overnight success was their patriotism and arrogant nature. As mentioned in the book, Foundations of the Nineteenth Century: Racism, Germany is shown to have been racist and self-proclaimed superior. It reads, "the Germanic races belong to the most highly gifted group, the group usually termed Aryan….Physically and mentally the Aryans are pre-eminent among all peoples" (Doc 3). The people of Germany think of themselves as the greatest race, the most superior race. This is why they are able to advance so rapidly. This maturation of the country frightened Britain, and will eventually force Britain to enter into an alliance against Germany. Britain had to admit that Germany was becoming a great force, and had to take immediate action, lest their country be ravaged. Germany wanted more power, as outlined by Eyre Crowne's writing that proclaims, "the transition is easy to the belief that the 'good German sword,' which plays so large a part in patriotic speech, is there to solve any difficulties" (Doc 4). Eyre Crowne was most likely a Germany patriot, who wanted to profess the idea of how great his nation was, and how well they would be able to destroy any nation who opposed them. Germany was growing, and this would cause other nations to wanted to quell them. 
       The war began over a discrepancy between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. They were not friendly nations to begin with, and each nation was allying with nations with the direct intent of going to war with their opposition. The Black Hand, a terrorist organization, was the initial spark that caused the Great War to begin officially. They directly killed Franz Ferdinand. The outlines of the organization state that, "To fulfill its purpose, the organization will do the following:..2. Organize revolutionary action in all territories inhabited by Serbs; 3. Beyond the frontiers of Serbia, fight with all means the enemies of the Serbian national idea…" (Doc  6). Without directly mentioning the name, Serbia was ready to go to war against Austria-Hungary because they did not accept Serbia in its entirety. Then the declaration of war became official in the document written by Count Berchtold. It stated, "The Royal Serbian Government not having answered in a satisfactory manner the note of July 23, 1914, presented by the Austro-Hungarian Minister of Belgrade...Austria-Hungary consequently considers herself henceforward in state of war with Serbia" (Doc 7).  Austria-Hungary found the opportunity to declare war that they had been looking for for years.
       The World War began because of discrepancies that had arisen between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Germany and Britain were also not friendly with one another. The two former countries allied themselves with one another, if not just for the reason to fight against the latter countries. 

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