Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hundred Years War

  • Began in 1337 and ended in 1453
  • The war began because of possession of land. The kings of French and England believed they owned land in the other country. 
  • In 1204 King John signed away English rights to land in Normandy. 
  • The Treaty of Paris was signed by Henry III, renouncing all of British land in Normandy. 
  • The province of Gascony was left with England even after the Treaty of Paris. 
  • The English at the time were fighting the Scots under William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. 
  • France allied with the Scots to destabilize England- The Franco- Scot alliance. 
    • This alliance was broken up when they lost at the battle of Bermit. 
  • Philip VI of France took what was left of Aquitane, after which Edward I challenges Philip's right to the throne and the war began.
  • Edward I called himself the King of France. 
  • Edward III lured princes and provinces into alliance with him. 
  • The English were moving towards France. 
  • Edward III, at Crecy in 1346, had a great victory and went triumphantly to Calais , winning the English a prime spot on the French port. 
  • Edward's heir is named the Black Prince. 
  • Edward captured the heir to the French throne and believes he has the war won. 
  • The Treaty of Bretigny said that France should pay the British and for that Edward III will step down from his self proclamation to the French throne.  
  • 1369; the Treaty fails. The new king in France, Charles V, has Bertrand du Guesclin, a very influential constable.  
    • Charles V died only 11 years into the war.      
  • The people were growing tired of the war. 
  • Richard II had just about gained peace with France. 
    • He lost his kingship and the aristocracies flare up and go forth into war again. 
  • Henry V took the British back into France in order to end the fighting. 
    • He met with the French at Agincourt on October 25, 1415. The English are outnumbered by the French. 
    • The English defeat the French in one of the greatest victories in English history
    • The battle does not end the war but it does boost morale of the English and is thought of as the turning point of the war. 
  • Rouen was captured in 1419 by the English. 
  • Henry VI died and his uncle, the Duke of Bedford took over the throne in French
  • The French have a plan to go into the Loire Valley and have a great number of battles. 
  • The English thought they could starve out the French people forced into the city of Orleans. 
  • Joan of Arc heard voices in her head that told her to guide the English into battle against the English. 
    • She was captured by the English. 
  • The English take the Loire Valley back under their control. The rest of France is back in French hands. 
  • A truce was made in 1444 that brought fighting to a halt for a while at Tours.   
  • In 1449 Charles VII broke the truce and attacked the British at Normandy. 
    • He defeated the British in Normandy and returned to Gascony. 
  • The final battle between Charles VII and John Talbot was fought on July 17, 1453, Talbot lost his remaining land. 
  • The result of the Hundred Years War was the development of nationalism. 
    • No longer were people defined by their city or town, but under their king or queen.  

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