Notes September 20
War of the Roses
- Henry Tudor wanted to dethrone Richard III and become king.
- Richard II stepped down and is replaced by Henry IV.
- The heir to Henry IV is Henry V
- Henry V died unexpectedly, making Henry VI a child king. People who want the real power of England circle around Henry.
- The Houses of York and Lancaster fought the Wars of the Roses.
- The English monarchy wanted to be taken seriously once again.
- The Paston family grew from being nobodies in England, to being influential land owners, and advancing towards being squires.
- There is a great disconnect between the peasants and the nobles of the cities. The peasants start to get angry and try to make themselves known to the aristocracy.
- England entered the Renaissance with the help of the Tudor family.
- Catholic England was just a synonym of Christean England, but then it turned into treason. Symbols of catholicism were destroyed and burned, the world was almost forgotten.
- England, beginning with the Tudor family is Anglican and Protestant. Fighting ensues over religious debates.
- Erasmus was an important figure in Christean humanitarianism.
- The priests were indispensable in the eyes of Catholic England. He was the connection to Jesus Christ, God, and Heaven.
- The fear of God was placed into the authorities of England now that Bibles could be mass printed in many different languages.
- Tyndale's English version of the New Testament was printed in 1522.
- The non-Catholic people killed people who bought the Bible and burned the books.
- 1509, King Henry VII died and his son at age seventeen was made king. Henry did have a brother named Arthur who was originally destined for the throne but he died. Henry was then made "heir apparent".
- Catherine of Aragon was to marry Arthur, but Henry married her after Arthur died. Catherine was to be the English connection to Spain, which would make them a powerful force.
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