Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Notes December 13

The French Aristocracy and Absolutism
  • Louis XIV is the most dominant political figure in the 17th century. 
    • The system he put in place was not broken even after he died. 
  • Louis XIV's army threatened universal monarchy. 
    • With the strength of his army he could gain dominance over all of Europe.  
  • Because of the Thirty Years War there was no other power in Europe that could face Louis. 
    • Alliances are created between the weaker countries of Europe to try and balance the power that Louis XIV has. 
  • Louis tried several times to extend into the Dutch Republic but is always pushed back. 
  • He also tries to push into Spain, but there were problems
    •  in 1700 Charles II of Spain died and in his will he bequeathed his throne to Phillip of Anjou, the grandson of Louis XIV. 
  • The Grand Alliance: Holland, Austria, Brandenburg principality, Italian Duchy of Savoy. 
    • These nations wanted to suppress the power of Louis. 
    • The War of Spanish Succession followed
      • The war cost a lot of money and was blamed for the gutting of the economy. 
  • In 1713 France and the Grand Alliance signed the Treaty of Utrecht. 
    • The Treaty created a new balance of power in Europe that would last for 30 years. 
      • France: Louis's grandson, Philip V, was allowed to remain the King of Spain 
      • France is allowed to keep Ausaus. 
      • The English get naval bases in Gibraltar and takes over the slave trade in Spain. 
      • England picked up two French colonies: Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. 
      • The Austrians gained the Spanish Netherlands, which became Belgium. 
      • Autria picked up French holding in Italy such as Naples. 
  • The Duke of Savoy was given Sicily and became the King. 
    • In 1720 he grew tired of being the King of Sicily and trades with Austria for Sardinia. 
  • Brandenburg elector became the king of Prussia.

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