Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9

French Revolution

  • The Gerodins and the Jacobins were the two parties of France
  • They gain power and become a bit tyrannical 
  • Another party starts to develop, a party that listens to the people on the street, the Mountain. 
  • 1793- Louis XVI is found to be secretly talking with the King of Austria
    • He is charged with treason and executed
  • Robespierre is elected as the representative of the Mountain party
    • The working class thinks that they have found a hero, someone who has been through the same turmoils that they have
  • The Committee of Public Safety is established
    • Their aim was to protect France
    • Laws were created that negated the rights of the accused
    • Women were banned from gathering 
  • The Terror starts in 1793 and goes until 1794
    • During this time the convention and the CPS decide that the Mountain and Jacobin will unite against the emigrates, the nobles, and the Gerodins.
    • 18, 000 to 40,000 people were killed including Marie Antoinette and Olympe de Gouge   
  • July 1794- Conservatives and radicals turn against Robespierre
  • A new group rises up- the Thermodorians 
    • They wrote a third French constitution which goes into effect in 1795
    • Electors chose the new national legislature
    • The lower house of legislation was called the 500, the upper house was called the Elders. 
  • The executive branch was made out of five people
  • There was unrest among the people over the subject of a new government
  • A young commander was put in the position of calming people's nerves. 
    • Napoleon married a widow named Josephine who had ties to the Directory
      • With her help, Napoleon goes to Italy and drives out the Habsburgs. 
  • The Cisalpine government wants Napoleon to come back and want to make a deal with Austria. 
    • Napoleon refused, and kept all of the possessions he had taken from Austria
  • France has an election in 1797, however the candidates leading the election were favoring the royalists and the return of the exiled Louis XVIII. 
  • Napoleon sends a force against the royalists in the French government. 
    • He leaves 3 of the 5, Napoleon got rid of 2 of them

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