Monday, February 14, 2011

Napoleon and Napoleonic Wars


  • By the end of the revolution, Napoleon began to rise up through the ranks. 
    • He will become the king of France
  • Napoleon became First Console
    • He was part of a triumvirate-  rule by three 
    • The console was established to ensure democracy in France, but Napoleon twisted it and became a dictator. 
  • A new constitution was approved
  • The people of France chose a new senate
    • This senate had very little power in the constitution
      • This allowed Napoleon to get more power
      • In exchange for this unbalanced power, he promised peace for the French people
  • The English and the Dutch did not like the French
    • Napoleon made a peace deal with England 
  • The emigrates- nobles against the revolution- were offered amnesty to come back to France
  • There was an opposition
    • Napoleon created a secret police force to suppress the media
  • Napoleon set up the Organic Articles to the Concordat 
    • He can elect officials, decide what goes on in the Church, and can force clergy to read state documents. 
  • Napoleon kept that there would be no titles
  • The Napoleonic Code- an overhaul of the French legal system- was established
    • Citizens were declared equal under law
    • Freedom of religion was guaranteed
    • Labor unions were outlawed
    • Women lost the legal gains they had made during the revolution
    • Men gained all control over property
    • A woman had no rights to her earnings
    • One's status was defined by their wealth
      • It was possible for citizens to move up in the hierarchy
  • 1802- Napoleon was named console for life
    • He had the power to choose his own successor
    • He had the power to mend the constitution
    • With these powers, he had himself coronated as the Emperor of France 
Napoleonic Wars
  • Wanting to expand his empire, Napoleon went to war
  • He sold the Louisiana territory for next to nothing to be rid of the slave problem
  • Napoleon decides to fight against England- a naval war 
  • In 1805 the English and French fight at Trafalgar 
  • Poland is set up as the Grand Duchee of Warsaw
  • After two years of defeating Russian armies, .................
  • Napoleon took territory to the east and then thought about taking his expansions to the west
  • He couldn't get to England without a navy
    • He established the Continental System
      • If you are an ally of France, you must boycott English goods 
  • Napoleon convinced the Spanish monarch to leave the throne 
    • He puts his own brother, Joseph, on the throne of Spain
    • He supports the new king of Spain
  • Massive guerrilla war broke out 
  • The French Empire has holdings in Germany, Poland, and Spain. He is demolishing the British and has a stronghold on trade. 
    • Outside of France, Napoleon is hated. 
  • Russia allied with Britain in 1810
    • Napoleon does not approve of this
    • He sent an invasion army to attack Russia- 700, 000 troops were sent 
    • The Russians use Scorched Earth policy
      • They burn down their town and the surrounding fields
      • As the French keeps approached, the Russians keep burning their own towns and fields
    • The city of Moscow is abandoned and burned
    • Napoleon sort of won the battle but then blizzard struck
      • A substantial part of Napoleon's army perished because of the weather
  • Napoleon went back to France
  • The Russians feel that they are on top
  • Russia, Prussia, Austria, and England sign into the quadruple alliance 
  • Napoleon is exiled
    • Louis XVIII is brought in and installed as the constitutional monarch 
  • The leader of the quadruple alliance meet with Talleyrand  
  • Napoleon escaped from Alba and raised a new army of his own 
  • "The 100 Days Battle Through Europe"
    • He met the British at Waterloo, Belgium 
    • Napoleon is captured and sent into British custody
    • He died in 1821
  • Alliances formed during this period carry on, up until WWII

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