Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Remember People, This is Golf: Lowest Score Wins

48. ?
49. Christopher Columbus 
50. Columbian Exchange 
51. Maize 
52. Mercantilism 
53. Joint Stock Company 
54. Puritanism 
55. False 
56. London
57. Dutch Trade
58. No
59. El Greco 
60. Middle-class 
61. Commons
62. Anglicans 
63. Stuarts 
64. Presbyterian 
65, 1603- 1625
66. Divine Rite of Kings 
67. Catholic
68. ?
69. Laud
70. France
71. Royalists
72. Roundheads   
73. Oliver Cromwell 
74. Absolutism 
75. Protector of England 
76. Common Brother and Sisterhood 
77. James 
78. Classical 
79. Hobbes

1 comment:

  1. 48. Prince Henry
    54. Calvinism was Dutch Republic
    55. True, Freedom was enjoyed by all religions
    56. Amsterdam
    57. Dutch East India Company
    59. Rembrant, and others
    62. Calvinists
    64. Episcopal
    67. Puritans
    68. Petition of Rite
    70. Scotland
    71. Cavaliers
    74. Commonwealth
    75. Lord Protector
    76. Levellers
    77. James
    78. Restoration
